CEEP- Community Energy Efficiency program
CEEP helps reduce the region’s consumption of electricity and natural gas through home energy audits and financial assistance with weatherization retrofits such as insulation, windows, duct sealing & insulating, high efficiency heat pumps and more.
BRS- Builders ReSupply
BRS accepts donations of new or used reusable construction materials thereby diverting them from the landfill. Donations may be tax deductible. Donated items are made available to the public, providing the community access to a low-cost, building materials purchasing option.
$BP- $mart Business Partners
$BP encourages businesses in the Walla Walla Valley to adopt practices that will also improve their bottom line, by identifying ways to reduce energy, water, waste and materials. Businesses that make and achieve reduction goals, receive public recognition for their efforts.
F2S- Walla Walla Valley Farm to School
WWVF2S works to inspire healthy communities through food, farm and garden experience. By connecting students to food in their school gardens and cafeterias, children grow up choosing foods that are good for their bodies, the environment and support the surrounding agricultural community.

E&O- Education & Outreach
The Public Workshop Series offers the community a variety of workshops on topics such as energy saving, healthy living and conservation of resources. The SLC participates in local events in the region to share information, resources, and engage in dialogue around sustainability.