Our programs aim to provide schools and school gardens with the resources and planning to grow and thrive. Garden classrooms are relatively easy to start, but can be a challenge to sustain over time in ways that support teachers and bolster student learning. Walla Walla Valley Farm to School provides coordinated leadership and resources for school community involvement to maximize meaningful use of the garden classroom.
As visually described in the Community Flower Garden graphic created by Julie Christian, WWVF2S partners with schools to provide the following programs:
School garden planning tools to assess the garden and identify goals and actions to enhance garden sustainability.
Recruitment, training and support of college interns and community volunteers. Click here to sign up to volunteer!
Paid Garden Education Managers (GEMs) with lesson outlines and materials, workshops, trainings, and best practices in garden education, garden maintenance, and community development.
Gardening supplies (seeds, starts, compost and mulch) as available.
Coordination with community volunteer groups to assist with school garden maintenance.
Oversight for school garden maintenance events.
After-school garden programming with community partner 21st Century Learning
Summer Garden Maintenance
Taking time to work in your school’s garden is rewarding and fun. Please consider signing up for one week over the summer.
School garden maintenance guide for summer
Food Focus Events
These events are designed to bring the school community together to celebrate seasonal food, to consider food’s impact on good health, and to strengthen our dialogue about the local food system and the role we play in it. The Whitman College Fellowship Program has been instrumental in delivering this program. Check out our calendar for upcoming Food Focus Events at area schools and community centers.
Find recipes on our SLC YouTube channel!
Farm Education
Farm Field Trip Programming
We believe every child deserves to experience a farm. When funding and resources permit, we arrange farm field trips for whole grades of students. We have worked with these farmers to arrange farm field trips. – Thank you Farmers! Welcome Table Farm, Jimenez Farms, Smalls Family Farm,
Harvest of the Month Tasting Tables
This program helps link farmers to schools and students to great local food!
Become a Harvest of the Month (HOM) Tasting Table Volunteer at your school!
Volunteers will prepare for and oversee a tasting table once a month at a school cafeteria during lunch. The table will feature information about a locally grown food, the farmer that grew it and samples of a local food. Depending on the school, volunteers may assist with food preparation. Volunteer time is generally 2 hours each time plus a 30 minute meeting prior to the event to pick up promotional materials.
Click here to sign up to Volunteer To Be a HOM Tasting Volunteer!
Local Foods and Farmers
A local seasonal food and the farmer that grew it is featured during Harvest of the Month events, Food Focus events and during farm field trips. Click on the food and/or farmer links below to learn more about our local bounty and farms.
Garbanzo Beans - Español
Roasted Roots
Salad Greens - Español
Winter Squash - Español
Blue Moutain Seed - Español
Finley's Fresh Produce - Español
Hayshaker Farms
Jimenez Farms
Key Farms
Ron LaFore Apple Farm - Español
Locati Farm
R & R Produce
Schreiber & Sons Farm
Warren Orchards
Welcome Table Farm - Español
West End Farm - Español